Rabu, 07 Maret 2018

CryptoBnb | market generation for online sales, short term rentals and smart tenants

INTRODUCTION Introducing you, a revolutionary platform that will give you the best experience in choosing the best and most hospitable housing for you. We are the next generation market for online sales, short-term rentals and smart tenant matches, which will improve the options available to you when choosing housing. We will create a platform that offers more accommodation options, with 0% commission, lower network costs and better integrity than similar platforms. We will build this platform on blockchain technology, which will provide you with a safe and quick solution. We will make your experience even better, because you deserve it.

Getting Started We understand that you are currently having difficulty choosing your temporary accommodation when you are on vacation or traveling or you have found a suitable service, but the commissions charged to you are too high to entrust you with travel expenses, not to mention you do not get the hospitality of the homeowners that you have chosen, and many other problems. With these problems, we decided to create a revolutionary platform that will give you a different experience, we call this platform the name "CrytoBnB". Along with blockchain technology, we also develop AI (and artificial intelligence) systems and large data that will help you find the right accommodation in the most effective way. We will allow homeowners and users to connect to a huge market in which users can determine their temporary asylum in accordance with their travel expenses. We will integrate the blockchain technology with AI Algorithm, which will lead to an exact match between homeowners and relevant short-term solutions, with minimal commissions for transactions. will develop this platform using a token as a means of payment, so we will ensure that every user or passenger receives an equal benefit.

Reasons for choosing Blockchain We have developed this platform for working with blockchain technology as the basis for developing our platform. Because from the first appearance, the block comes with the offer of fast and secure online transactions and supports all types of data and crypto-currency. Blockchain technology uses a system where each transaction is recorded and can not be changed forever, so transaction security and transparency can be maintained and reduce the likelihood of data fraud.
We prefer to use blockchain technology, because this technology is more secure today than conventional technology. Unlike conventional technologies, blockchain technology does not require participation in a third party, so it is more secure and economical. Blockchain technology is a more minimal system error, so this technology is better and more reliable.

Intelligent search engine

The first search engine linked to blockchain that harnesses AI and big data to ensure optimum & bespoke search results. Combining user preferences, transaction history and data from searches, travellers are matched with ideal listings.

P2P Marketing

The first P2P marketing mechanism uses AI data stored in the blockchain to provided enhanced ROI and better targeted campaigns for hosts.


CryptoDnA® Smart Wallet
The heart of the platform is the technological force behind intelligent search engines and smart contracts.


In conclusion We strive to ensure that this platform is in line with current market demand. Where Booking.com or other popular platforms still have loopholes, we will resolve them on the CryptoBnB platform. Thanks to the existing functions, we are confident that we can make this platform a leader in innovation and technology. We will grow and build this platform with a more transparent and better system. CryptoBnB will try to eliminate the technology gap on the current short-term rent with blockchain technology.


SALES TOKEN - POSSIBILITY OF JOINING With this opportunity, we invite you to expand this Platform to cover a wider society. We will issue a token called "CKey Token", here is the data.

  • 1 CKey = $ 0.08
  • Total CKey tokens 1 billion
  • The bonus token in Sched
  • HardCap is $ 15.2 million
  • The minimum amount of USD 5 million
  • The minimum purchase is $ 75 (0.1 ETH)
  • Current CKey - ERC20
  • Wallets of participants must comply with ETH ERC20

Token Ckey Distribution



For more information please visit below:

Eth: 0x2A50375573A1B9A65De13dC27c6A25FC778d5512

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