Jumat, 06 Juli 2018

MEDIA PROTOCOL | The Protocol for Smart URLs


Everyday, you consume Internet content by reading articles, watching videos (loaded with lots of annoying and silly ads), listening to music online, and doing other activities like sharing, liking, commenting, debating ... Spending colossal time and effort, everything You receive only information (content), while a large centralized content distribution platform like YouTube or Facebook makes money for you - money is pretty good, should we say. This is not fair. But MEDIA Protocol will fix this injustice by providing a foundation for a new, compensation-based relationship between content creators (publishers, promoters, influencers) and content consumers - ordinary people like you and me. In other words, the platform will pay you for every interaction with the web content - a feature, in which the centralized content distribution network is inherited less, but much needed.

What is MEDIA Protocol?

MEDIA Protocol is an open protocol, introducing an economic layer between two major parts of the content distribution industry: those who create content and those who consume it. This protocol enables content professionals (makers, providers, advertisers) to encourage content consumption and enable ordinary people (audiences) to be rewarded for the slightest interaction with content such as acceptance, perception, and distribution. With that being said, consumers will have a more enjoyable online content experience and, more importantly, get paid well - ultimately.
Once the creator / publisher / promoter is registered with the MEDIA Protocol platform, they get a chance to convert the content URL into an Intelligent URL, loaded with a token like a virtual wallet. When users consume this content (by reading, watching, liking, sharing, or commenting), a number of MEDIA tokens (MPT) go directly to the user's MEDIA Protocol wallet address. This will be done through a smart contract. The collected tokens can be used in various ways including:

Pay for services offered by the MEDIA Protocol ecosystem (such as access to paid content, specialist suggestions, etc.);
Exchanging tokens for cryptocurrency or other fiat;
Tipping content providers to do the job well.

The MEDIA Protocol function will be guaranteed by its ecosystem:

Core smart contracts will maintain incentive-based relationships between content actors and support token streams inside and outside the network.
The decentralized CryptoCatnip app - the first dapp that integrates the MEDIA protocol and demonstrates its potential. You can try it now and get your MEDIA token.
The publisher tool will allow non-technical staff to change their URLs into token-dispensing smart URLs and place them in blockchain.
The analytics tool will provide content actors with real-time analytics from blockchain.
Documentation and SDK will help developers to integrate MEDIA Protocol into their software solutions.

Who and How to Use MEDIA Protocol?

There will be at least three categories of users on the MEDIA Protocol network: consumers, content writers, and advertisers, and each of them will be able to reap the benefits of their own from the platform.


Can obtain original MEDIA Protocol tokens to interact with content;

Will accumulate a token on the personal MEDIA Protocol wallet and redeem it with paid consultation, service or subscription, and redeem these coins for fiat money.

Content writer:

Will be compensated by the brand to promote this or that product;
Can accept their percentage of content consumption depending on its popularity - the more consumed - the higher the percentage.


Can directly work with content writers without intermediaries;
Has a cheaper advertising platform.


Details of ICO

I can not understand why such a beautiful and eagerly awaited project like MEDIA Protocol retains information about their ICO. Talking to their representatives via Telegram did not bring results. They just made an official reply that "details for public sale are not finished yet". Neither the website nor the white paper & their business provide clear information about the ICO period, fundraising objectives, tokens allocations, prices, etc. The only thing I can do is that their community pre-sales are ongoing, and they will contact via email with those eligible for allocation. You can try your luck and find out more about their mysterious ICO by filling out their community pre-sale app form here.

Final Thoughts

The MEDIA Protocol is basically a blockchain content sharing system that allows ordinary people to earn and spend virtual currency simply by consuming different types of content. The idea behind this project is really amazing: it compensates viewers to interact with content and foster economic relationships, rewards based on content creators and consumers. However, the lack of information about their public sales and the need to complete the application form to find out more about how they will raise money for their initiative is somewhat suspicious. We strongly encourage you to do your own research before making an investment decision.


More information link below:

Author: Yantiaryan
My Eth: 0x2A50375573A1B9A65De13dC27c6A25FC778d5512

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