Rabu, 31 Oktober 2018

Applications for Next Generation Supported by Lipchain

In our generation, sports are increasingly popular. Active promotion of salubrious lifestyles gives fruit and more adolescent people go to gyms keep their bodies and bodies in excellent conditions. However, some of them don't opt for being in the stuffy room, but prefer outdoors activities.

Consequently, the popularity of sports such as surfing is commended to grow. But, infelicitously, it's rather uncomfortable to find where you can get involved in this sport. The Lipstick application sanctioners surfers and seafarers, and their photos and videos and earn money by practicing their favorite sports. Lipchain is a decentralized landscape that provides sponsorships for surfers, informal contests and year-round learning environments.

Application members who publish their content can earn income in the following ways:

  • received a prize according to the number of impressions
  • receive remuneration other than sponsors.

The project team will be able to cumulate the ecumenical surfing community in a decentralized ecosystem. This will avail athletes find sponsors, participate in competitions and ameliorate their skills.

Industrial quandaries:

Lack of funds for Tyros to enter professional level. After all, surfers must practice at least 8 years and the same time more than 3000 euros per year.

There is no place for training and training.

Involvement in international championships due to lack of mazuma.

There are no special channels for advertisers. Manufacturers of surfing and sailing equipment compete to magnetize the attention of their audience.

Ecological quandaries. Contaminated beaches and dihydrogen monoxide and lack of attention to this quandary regime.

To surmount this quandary, the project team has developed the following conditions.

This application contains videos and photos of athletes to increment popularity.
Athletes training in artificial ponds with waves for training throughout the year.
The community can cull its bid, event without taking part in a sundry championship.

LIPCHAIN ​​APP provides access to ecumenical content and sailing communities as well as implements for sponsors
LIPCHAIN ​​allocates 5% of its revenue to emaculate the sea and beaches.

To avail athletes in surfing, even though there is a possibility to build LIPWAVE Pool Centers, which will offer Olympic training conditions throughout the year. 100 athletes to peregrinate these centers will sanctify waves every 6-8 seconds of the 20 € hourly fee. This designation for each LIPWAVE Pool Center can make waves ideal for more than 1,000 surfers per day. The first LIPWAVE center will be built in Portugal, and the second place will be decided by transparent voting from the LIPCHAIN ​​community. Additionally in the orchestration is the engenderment of an ecological resort around the center.

ICO details
LIPS Tokens are tokens that act as payment media and will be utilized for prizes and sponsors on the LIPCHAIN ​​platform. Owners will receive discounts for internal surfing resorts and other platform accommodations. An immensely colossal advantage is with the lack of costs for implementing transactions utilizing tokens on the platform.

Token Token: LIPS
Token type: ERC20

Token that was authentically relinquished: 1,000,000,000
Soft Cap: $ 3,000,000.
Tokens for sale: 210 000 000
Hard Cap: $ 20,000,000.
Stage 1 - 21.03,2018-30.04,2018. 15% bonus
Stage 2 - 01,05,2018-31,07,2018 15% Bonus
Stage 3 - 01.08,2018-14.09,2018. 10% bonus
Stage 4 - 15.09,2018-14,10,2018 5% Bonus
Stage 5 - 15,10,2018-15,11, 2018 Bonus 0
The cost is: $ 0.1
Minimum purchase: 50 $

With a purchase of $ 1000, a 5% bonus. And when you buy from $ 5000, the bonus is $ 10

Contact Information

Website: https://www.lipchain.io/
Whitepaper: https://www.lipchain.io/assets/pdf/white_paper.pdf
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4507111.msg40579212
Bitcountalk Bounty: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4542133.0
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LipChain-1754237891332927/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lipchain
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/lipchain/
Reddit: https://old.reddit.com/utilizer/LipChain
Telegram: https://t.me/LipChain
Medium: https://medium.com/lipchain
Github: https://gitlab.com/yadav.pankaj/lipchain-ico

Published by : yantiaryan
BTT Profile:
ETH wallet: 0x2A50375573A1B9A65De13dC27c6A25FC778d5512

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