Senin, 27 Desember 2021

SPYRIT - Deflation utility token based on Polygon network

Blockchain is a decentralized general ledger. It is a computer network that has an identical copy of the database and changes its status (records) to a general agreement based on pure mathematics. All this means that there is no need for any central server or any organization that we trust (eg central bank, notaries, banks, Paypal, etc.). Blockchain is the technological backbone for all cryptocurrencies, be it Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger, etc.

An important part of the blockchain is smart contracts, a piece of code that is stored on the blockchain network (in each participant's database). It basically defines the terms on which all parties use the contractual agreement. Therefore, when the required conditions are met, certain actions are performed. Since the smart contract is stored on all computers on the network, everyone must run it and get the same result. In this way, users can be confident that the result is correct.

Some of you may be confused by the idea of ​​the collapse of conventional money and digital currencies. While devastation is terrible in ordinary money, it is a positive thing for digital currencies. In conventional money, emptying means a reduction in the cost of a resource due to certain conditions, such as over-stamping. As far as Bitcoin is concerned, the alignment as a whole will be called the most extreme digital currency stock. In truth, the supply of BTC will decrease in the long term as private keys are lost and coins become irrecoverable. Many other digital forms of money are also deflationary.

The market supply of a deflationary cryptocurrency has been shrinking over time. This variable assumes that customers or a group of the enterprise will participate in exercises that reduce the supply of a coin in the blockchain. The typical method for achieving this goal is by consuming tokens. It is important to note that digital forms of limited-supply money are of course deflationary. They achieve this status because as long as financial backers buy and hold the coin, its supply dwindles. The superior model is Bitcoin, the main coin in the crypto market and with the most visible strength to date.

About SpyritCoin

SpyritCoin is a deflationary utility token based on the Polygon network, built with two practical conventions; Re-tax refunds to investors and the acquisition of liquidity.

What is a utility?

The SpyritCoin utility will be used during the SPYRIT development phase. The stage has agreements that allow customers to exchange with fast exchange rate, automatic compound labeling, high yield cultivation, and continuous NFT labeling.


Token Name : SpyritCoin
Network : POLYGON
Supply : 5 BILLION
Charge : 10%
Auto Liquidity : 5%
Devidens : 5%


- Q3 2021
Make Website and Social Profiles
Send Token Smart Contract
Distribute Whitepaper V1
Send ICO Smart Contract

- Q4 2021
Foster dApp
Foster Staking and Farming Protocols
Foster NFT Staking Protocol
Review and KYC
Send Presale Smart Contract
Showcasing and Advertising Campaigns

- Q1 2022
Public Launch
Procure Partnerships
Coin Listing Sites
Make NFT Collection
Foster Cross Chain DEX

- Q2 2022
Make Game Blueprints
Foster Spyrit Chain Network
Foster Cross Chain Bridge

Author: yantiaryan
Polygon wallet: 0xE49bC78041BC851D8577f3190B59C966EDc78d8e

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