Kamis, 03 Mei 2018


It's no secret that blocking technology can be used not only for crypto-currencies, but also for almost every sphere of life. An exception did not become such a trend as logistics. And right now there is a new ICO project QUASA (https://www.quasa.io/), which allows to improve the whole cargo transportation market.

It would seem that humanity has made great progress, having gone far ahead beyond the invention of the wheel. But unfortunately there are a lot of problems with delivery of cargo even in our high-tech time.

Have you ever tried to send some kind of big cargo from one point to another?

Let's say you need to transport a sofa, for example, which is already ready for dispatch, from the city of Kursk to Moscow. Now you need to find a carrier. Let's take a closer look at this process:

  1. You take a computer and go online.
  2. There you have been looking for about an hour for companies and private traders who provide cargo transportation services.
  3. Then take the phone and start calling the list of selected companies. And spend a lot of time on this.
  4. You are determined by the services of what transport company you will use.
  5. Now we have to spend a lot of time to agree on all the details and pay.
Thus, you find the carrier, having spent a huge amount of time and possibly choosing not the best quality and profitable option.

But now thanks to the free application QUASA there is an opportunity very quickly - just a couple of clicks to find the most favorable conditions for the carriage of your cargo.

QUASA is the first block-based platform providing, which unites customers and companies providing freight services all over the world. And there is an opportunity to use different types of transport:

  • Ground cargo transport.
  • Rail transportation.
  • Trucking.
  • Sea transport.


At the moment the sphere of cargo transportation is rather chaotic and very not transparent with a terrible service. This market can be compared with taxi transport, before the various Internet services came. There is a huge number of intermediaries, with various shadow schemes.

During the transportation of cargo, a huge part of the information about all the participants in the process, the cargo, what and how the services turn out and so on, moves. These all operations are accompanied by a bunch of documents that complicate the whole process. And the client is in ignorance exactly how to handle his cargo, where he is at the moment.

The QUASA project allows you to cope with:

  1. Bureaucracy during the clearance of cargo.
  2. Enormous commissions of intermediaries, which range from 10% to 25%. At what the client can not control the process of drafting commissions in any way.
  3. Various information barriers.
  4. Court costs.

Also do not forget that thanks to the technology of blocking using smart contracts, it will be possible to ensure greater security of the entire system and transparency of logistics. This in turn will make it possible to reduce the amount of time and money spent by the client and the performer tenfold.

QUASA will allow the introduction of common standards in the freight market, which will make it the industry leader, to which everyone will be equal.

This large part of the freight industry has problems that require additional intermediaries, which clearly increase the cost of the entire delivery process. The reasons for such problems are the following:

  1. Trust in the carrier. Clients have to enter into additional contracts with intermediaries, so as not to suffer financial losses.
  2. Insolvency of the client. Usually the last transfer of funds the client makes after the delivery of the goods. But for various reasons, customers can not always make this payment.
  3. Cargo damage. Sometimes the product may be damaged, and it can not always be determined immediately.
  4. Risk of levying taxes. If one of the participants departs from taxes, then all sides of cooperation can be involved, and the cargo will be frozen.
  5. Currency risk. Due to the change in the exchange rate during the process of cooperation, the contractor may suffer, therefore there are additional fees for this case.
  6. Weak insurance. Often transport losses are insured, not cargo, or payment for damage and damage.
  7. Empty trips. In one direction is traveling with cargo transport, and back without cargo since there are no orders.
The platform has a main page where the user enters their data (login and password). There is a menu where there are orders, requests and reports.

In the future, there will be a breakdown of users into customers and executors (partners). Also, the menu structure will also change as the new functionality is implemented.

The user will be able to create queries, while choosing the type of cargo, the point of delivery and delivery, and add additional services (for example insurance). After the order, the platform automatically issues a list of offers from which you can choose the most optimal solution for each of the situations. A system of filters and data analytics will be available.

The user can still place his orders on the exchange and receive a message from the service to his email.

Here's how the interface for the client looks:

Here's how the interface for the partner (artist) will look visually:

Inside the QUASA platform will use its own crypto currency - QUA tokens.

The QUA token is created on the basis of the ERC-20 standard and therefore it can be safely stored both on the platform itself and in your wallet with your own Ephirium purse, for example, Ethereum wallet, Mist, MyEtherWallet.com.

Holders of tokens will receive discounts of up to 10% on services within the platform, and you can also vote for a new functional and choose the direction of development. In addition, QUASA plans to buy back tokens, but at a price on the market.

The growth of tokens will occur both with the increase in users, so the connection of new services. Also, do not forget that tokens will be provided with real platform services.

A total of 62,445,870 tokens will be issued.

Tokens QUA can be purchased at the time of sale. Below are the stages of sales of tokens and price levels:

Currently, tokens can be purchased for the Ethiopian Crypto currency. Further it is planned to accept another crypto currency, as well as Fiat.

After the ICO, the tokens will be traded on the crypto-exchange exchanges. The preliminary release date for the tokens on the exchange is July 2018.

Virtually all the funds raised will be used to further develop the platform. Investments from the sale of tokens will be used for the following purposes:

  1. 65% creation of product and services platform, development. Provision of staff. Creation of infrastructure for the development of the logistics market 2.0.
  2. 17% expenses for ICO and pre-sale of tokens. Bonuses for IT developers and founders, legal support. Return of credits.
  3. 10% return of funds from early investors.
  4. 8% payment for company PR for ICO and pre-sale of tokens.

In addition to the cool idea, the project has another great advantage - it's his team. It consists of experienced professionals who have the necessary knowledge and skills to create the QUASA platform. More details can be found on the team on the official website https://www.quasa.io/


The QUASA platform in comparison with other ICO projects has a ready-made prototype, which is a huge plus. It should also be taken into account that the creation of this product will bring huge benefits to the society and will allow all participants of freight transportation to significantly reduce spending. As for the platform itself, the possibilities for monetization are simply huge, because (revenue from commissions of each service, advertising).

QUASA uses block technology that can bring the freight market to an entirely new level, ensuring transparency and security for all market participants.

Username : yantiaryan
My Eth: 0x2A50375573A1B9A65De13dC27c6A25FC778d5512

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