Rabu, 02 Mei 2018

Smart Valley - Investing Now

hallo everything i will tell you about smart valley project following review below


Smart Valley is a decentralized analogue derived from Silicon Valley - a system that connects investors, projects, experts, and professional communities from all over the world. In the Intelligent Valley ecosystem, any project - regardless of where it is located - can attract finance and expertise, find its place in the community, and realize its ideas!

I recommend to you I love this new concept with a great project. I would recommend to friends to invest here.


There are at least 8 important points, we can see how smart valley works on ICO, including:

  1. Projects are evaluated using unique automated solutions: experts and community sections make sounds sound
  2. on the project, resulting in a decentralized, reliable, multidimensional assessment;
  3. Assessment is implemented using more than 10 criteria, including financial potential, blockchain functionality,
  4. legal aspect, founder's background, etc.
  5. Expert evaluation takes away the risk of fraud;
  6. The highest rated shared projects are published on the platform and exist for investors;
  7. The founders were able to recruit community experts to carry out the full pre-ICO, ICO, and post-ICO cycle
  8. activities, including marketing, legalization, smart contract development, etc.
  9. Investors select the best project, spend token, and follow how their money is spent;
  10. Tokens are able to be traded on a built-in digital exchange;
  11. The use of blockchains and smart contracts ensures transparency and security of payments.


For investors

  1. The use of a unique automated assessment tool confirms that only the best projects are selected
  2. Smart Valley project assessment solutions eliminate fraud risks
  3. Immediate investment in the project is possible to avoid brokerage fees
  4. You can see how your money is spent and following the token value increase
  5. Token can be together easily sold on the built-in digital exchange
  6. 80% off for specific project tokens sold on the internal exchange.
For Founders

  1. Automatic assessment by community experts provides a complete picture of project potential
  2. Community experts can be hired to build the perfect team
  3. Smart Valley valuation services can be paid with project tokens
  4. Expert consultations and services are provided at all stages of the project
  5. A large number of potential investors are present on the platform
  6. Disagreements resolved using automated algorithms and arbitration systems
For Experts

  1. Possibility to work on high-potential projects that have passed a rigorous evaluation
  2. Voting for the best project - the community ensures which one is selected
  3. Global job opportunities
  4. Participation in cutting-edge projects that can make business changes
  5. Payment is guaranteed by smart contract
  6. All disputes are resolved within the use platform
  7. arbitration and specially designed algorithms
  8. A vibrant community of top-level professionals from around the world.

We have a goal to create a digital valley of innovation and sustain the most promising projects of survival and realize their potential. To achieve that, we plan to benefit from the advantages and growth points of infrastructure, as well as powerful tools to link projects, investors, experts, service providers, incubators, and other market participants.


Today we live through a remarkable era in which new projects and ideas enter the marketplace at an astonishing rate, as business quantities and new tools grow exponentially. However, some of these new projects fail for a number of reasons (more on that in the next chapter). The statistics provided by various funding and startup accelerators state that not enough comes from 1% coming from all projects and startup is financially sought. At this time two simultaneous events: the rate of world trade growth declines (in 2016, for example, the value of the world of foreign direct investment reached about $ 1.52 trillion, 13% lower than 20151), and investors expressed growing interest in developing countries. FDI to developing countries rose 38% in 2016, reaching $ 58 billion. As for the investment climate in all the world, in 2016 the total value of investment in Europe fell by 22%, by 19% in Latin America and the Caribbean, and by 5% in Africa. The most attractive countries to investors are the US ($ 385 billion), the United States ($ 179 billion), and China ($ 139 billion). According to UNCTAD Secretary-General Mukhisa Kituyi, there are still many obstacles on the road to recovery for high FDI scores. One of the main causes of anxiety is a strong decline in investment in industry and manufacturing - both an absolute field for economic growth and increased productivity in developing countries. One of the most promising applications derived from blockchain technology is the decentralized crowdfunding embodied through the ICO mechanism. Many ICO success stories state that ICO is capable of sustaining the necessary funds in just a few days - or more minutes - by attracting up to several thousand small investors. The ICO market is growing very fast - hundreds of projects launch their ICO every month. For example, by the end of November 2017, the total cryptocurrency market capitalization exceeded $ 313.6 billion.

It is worth mentioning that venture finance is not an option for most high-tech startups due to its centralized and high cost nature. As for the structure of the venture market, investor interest in the B2C segment has grown from 13.7% to 18.9% over the past year. Another trend is the declining share of segment leaders: IT projects. The average transaction value varies depending on both the geographical factor and the transaction stage. At the seed stage, for example, the average transaction value falls between $ 0.8 million (Europe) and $ 1.9 million (US and Canada). In contrast, the highest value during the startup stage is found in Asia, where they account for about $ 7 million.

ICO as a source of rapid return for investors

The Kama Flow study mentioned above has determined that:
10% token increases twenty-fold or more;
37% of all tokens are more than double the value;
58% of all tokens remain stable or show little growth
Only 23% of all tokens are reduced in value fivefold or more.
The return distribution results are typical for a venture business.

SMART Valley as a solution for project developers

Easy and convenient fund raising procedures;
Verified service provider;
Minimum number of intermediaries, competitive levels of service to the platform, and opportunities to reduce

marketing budget - all because of the features of closed and transparent ecosystems as well as existence
the main business player who is able to immediately affect the success of a project.
In addition, the SMART Valley ecosystem can be quite likely the project developers to:
Connect great technical or marketing ideas with interested investors;
Prepare high tech project for ICO;
Develop efficient marketing measures to launch projects;
Attract world-class ICO experts;
Token list of international digital exchange after ICO.

SMART Valley ecosystem

The SMART Valley ecosystem includes three main components: investors, projects, and experts and service providers. Creation of ecosystems can be carried out in two phases, the first is the setting of key elements derived from the decentralized assessment framework - and second, realization comes from a set of three other SMART Valley tools - mechanism deals, expert market tools, and fundraising tools.

The key difference between the SMART Valley platform and its competitors is its emphasis on solving problems on three key components. As our assumptions on direct and indirect competitors show, three types dominate in the market, each focusing almost exclusively on the problem of a single component, whether investor, or project, or expert. The SMART Valley type hypothesis proves that it is not possible to solve complex problems by concentrating on just one aspect. The SMART Valley ecosystem approach convinces a unique synergy with emerging traits. The competitive advantages of the project ecosystem are driven by the process architecture and its four services, providing solutions to the problems of each of the three groups of project participants.

SMART Valley Token (SVT)

SVT Token (SMART Valley Token) is a utility token, which can be used for shopping ICO token-projects at discounted prices using the SMART Valley platform. In addition, SVT may incur costs for the use of major platform services (such as assessment processes, secure transaction mechanisms, expert markets, and fundraising services). The general scheme of SVT token Circulation in the SMART Valley ecosystem is shown below (Figure 20). As can be seen from this simplified scheme, some elements are available - Investors, Experts, Projects, Financial Centers, Token Stores, Core Services, and External Exchange. To use the service - you must have an SVT token, which can be purchased on External Exchange. Projects are able to use services at their own cost, if they have the required SVT amount, and at the expense of the ecosystem, by applying for financial assistance to the Financial Center. It is important to note that the Financial Center was established once (during the ICO) and not refilled by commissions collected from transactions within the ecosystem for the utilization of its services. The initial objective is to create a promising flow of projects within the ecosystem, and form the main community of experts and investors. In the future, the process can be supported and developed through commissions, as has been said before. After all funds have been used in the Financial Center, it may be possible for the existence of this style, to be determined later, with
SMART Valley community support.

Here's a video Smart valley familiarize yourself watching this video:

Author : yantiaryan
My ETH : 0x2A50375573A1B9A65De13dC27c6A25FC778d5512

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