Sabtu, 26 Mei 2018

UCHIT - a good ICO project.

Hasil gambar untuk bounty uchit

This material is posted for your reference.

Hello everyone, dear friends!

Today we will talk about the UCHIT project

What it is

Center for Communication and Cooperation based on Blockchain technology. Uchit is a hub of communication and additional tools for individuals, professionals and business structures that are inaccessible to basic tools.

Platform Functionality

Personal use, such as communication with friends and families.
Professional use, such as cooperation for programmers, musicians, artists, etc.
Professional use, as communication between investors, projects, freelancers, etc.
Corporate use for corporations.
Web sites that want to have a job on their own website. (We will provide the API)
and much more.
The main task of the company

It will unite all professionals, companies, employees and business partners in a single ecosystem of blockers, which will make projects and business really effective, transparent and reliable.

Work platform

You need text / voice / video chat and file sharing, tools for working with tools, team tools, webinars, etc.

Make the target connections, find people, create a team.

Tools and functionality

You want to build a project and need people to help you or want to hire professionals for your project
Now you want to cooperate with your team.
You want to take part in a webinar / business meeting
You just want to chat and share files with friends and family.
You want to add community features to your own site. (We will provide the API)
CRASS Infotech

A technology company with subsidiaries and subsidiaries operating in several areas.
How it all began:

We needed a platform for cooperation with companies and professionals abroad
CRASS like to cooperate and work with other organizations to create good products.
There was a talk with many companies, and then decided to make this platform to facilitate communication and cooperation for working on projects, meeting new people, Connect with Professionals.
Creating a complete center for people who want to create good projects.

The Uchit token will be released on the Ethereum platform. This compatibility of the marker with third-party purses, exchanges, etc., which provides convenient integration.

Maximum number of tokens: 712,350,000

Exchange: 1 UCHT = 0.19 USD

Private sale: Date - 1st April 2018 to 30th April 2018

Bonus 50%: Minimum Investment - 10 ETH

Pre Ico: Date - 1st May 2018 to 13th May 2018

Selling tokens: Date - 15th May 2018 to 31th May 2018

Minimal fee: $ 5,000,000

Maximum fee: $ 50,000,000


The project has a strong and highly qualified team, which in my opinion is able to bring the project to the highest level in the shortest possible time and I hope they succeed.

The team includes large specialists from various industries with many years of experience. With key participants you can see on the official website, there you will also find links to their personal accounts in social networks.


Friends, I want to say that this is really a new and unusual project. You can also pay attention to this project, and study it in more detail.

Video UCHIT : 

Additional Information





Crass Club:

ANN Tread:


Author By: yantiaryan
Profile link:;u=1445306
MyETH wallet: 0x2A50375573A1B9A65De13dC27c6A25FC778d5512

Kamis, 17 Mei 2018

IMPRESSIO - Masa depan investasi dan membuka peluang baru untuk pengembangan bisnis

Apa Impressio itu?
Impressio adalah tim spesialis dari berbagai bidang teknik terapan, pengembangan web, pemasaran, periklanan dan keuangan.

Apa esensi dari penawaran Impressio?
Sebagai bagian dari proyek pengembangan ICO, Impressio mengusulkan untuk bergabung dengan investor untuk mendapatkan keuntungan jangka pendek dengan tingkat laba yang tinggi, akumulasi per jam dan per hari.

Bagaimana penghasilan dihitung?
Keuntungan diakumulasi dengan tarif harian tetap atau pada akhir periode yang dipilih. Untuk kelompok investor tertentu, adalah mungkin untuk mendapatkan laba per jam.

Buku besar didistribusikan dan protokol blockchain membawa nilai yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya untuk program loyalitas masa depan: Impressio Estate, Ltd, adalah platform investasi cryptocurrency berbasis di Britania Raya bagi pengguna di seluruh dunia untuk berinvestasi dan membuat uang Anda tumbuh, apakah itu disimpan semua di sekali atau secara bertahap. Kami menawarkan rencana investasi unik untuk semua jenis investor. Ada banyak orang yang tidak tahu bagaimana memulai berinvestasi dalam cryptocurrency, atau tidak punya waktu atau energi untuk melakukannya. Impressio menangani semua kebutuhan ini untuk mereka, dan melampaui investor mereka. Impressio saat ini berfokus pada peluang investasi, tetapi bangga memasuki sektor kredit pada 2019.

Platform Impressio membuka peluang baru untuk pengembangan bisnis online dan pendapatan tinggi untuk semua yang tertarik. Bidang pekerjaan yang menjanjikan dan pengalaman yang cukup dalam spesialisasi yang sempit memungkinkan kami untuk mempertahankan tingkat persaingan yang tinggi dan memberikan posisi kepemimpinan di pasar.

Pendaftaran deposito langsung
Setoran dikreditkan dalam 1-3 konfirmasi dan hanya bergantung pada kecepatan jaringan dan biaya transaksi.

Penarikan keuntungan instan
Semua permintaan dari pengguna untuk menarik dana diproses secara instan dan dalam mode otomatis.

Perlindungan data maksimum
Platform web secara permanen dilindungi dari ancaman eksternal dan dipindai setiap hari untuk mendeteksi kode berbahaya.

Akrual biasa
Tergantung pada strategi investasi yang dipilih, penghasilan terakumulasi setiap hari, per jam atau di akhir semester.

Penghargaan asosiasi
Impressio mempromosikan mempopulerkan penghasilan online dan menawarkan hadiah yang tinggi untuk menarik investasi melalui tautan rujukan atau kode kupon.

Server khusus
Tim mengembangkan semua fungsi di server khusus penyedia hosting dengan kualitas terbaik.
Buku besar didistribusikan dan protokol blockchain membawa nilai yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya untuk program loyalitas masa depan:

Partisipasi dalam proyek investasi / pinjaman terkemuka
Akumulasi laba yang stabil berdasarkan program investasi dengan kemungkinan penarikan harian / per jam
Transfer setoran cepat dan pemrosesan instan semua permintaan penarikan
Pendekatan komprehensif untuk pengembangan program untuk mendorong pengguna aktif
Dukungan 24/7 dan solusi cepat untuk setiap pertanyaan yang mungkin Anda temui

Kode unik yang dapat diadaptasi ke platform online mana pun dengan tingkat perlindungan yang tinggi
Penggunaan pemrosesan pembayaran otomatis - API - dengan komisi rendah
Kemampuan untuk membuat pengaturan bersama dalam cairan cryptocurrency atau token Impressio
Dukungan dan pembaruan perangkat lunak yang konstan oleh pengembang berpengalaman
Tingkat hadiah keanggotaan yang tinggi untuk promosi Impressio lokal dan internasional

Kerjasama yang erat dan saling menguntungkan dengan tim pengembangan Impressio
Kompensasi terjamin untuk mengidentifikasi kesalahan perangkat lunak dan mencari solusi
Kemungkinan pertumbuhan profesional dan memperoleh keterampilan yang dibutuhkan di bidang pengembangan web.

Untuk info selanjutnya silahkan kunjungi link dibawah ini:

Penulis: yantiaryan
Mew: 0x2A50375573A1B9A65De13dC27c6A25FC778d5512

Selasa, 08 Mei 2018


Apa itu DAGT?

Teknologi blockchain publik Ethereum dan teknologi kontrak cerdas DAGT (Digital Assets Guarantee Token) adalah platform jaminan aset kredit digital berdasarkan teknologi blockchain publik Ethereum dan teknologi kontrak cerdas. Tujuannya adalah untuk membangun informasi yang transparan, kolaborasi yang efisien, dan transfer nilai aset digital berkecepatan tinggi. Mempercayai sistem kredit terdistribusi Di seluruh lingkungan kredit, pengguna dapat menggunakan pass "DAGT" atau pass lainnya untuk membayar biaya jasa kredit untuk mendapatkan layanan keuangan yang disediakan oleh lembaga keuangan yang bekerja dengan proyek DAGT.
Selama periode peningkatan nilai aset digital, aset digital tertentu berjanji untuk mendapatkan likuiditas sejumlah dana, sehingga belanja harian, pariwisata, dan konsumsi lainnya dapat dicapai sambil menikmati nilai tambah aset digital.

Sesuai dengan kebutuhan sebenarnya dari para pengguna, sistem DAGT dibangun pada blockchain Ethereum yang tersedia untuk publik dan kontrak cerdas. Beberapa manfaat dari blockchain adalah bahwa ia tidak dapat dirusak karena merupakan teknologi terdesentralisasi. DAGT menggunakan teknologi blockchain untuk membangun dan mengatur fitur baru, seperti pengarsipan dan mentransfer aset.
Fitur baru teknologi blockchain memungkinkan kami untuk mendefinisikan kembali nilai aset pemberi pinjaman dan sepenuhnya menghilangkan kebutuhan untuk mempercayai proses pinjaman. Sementara itu, berdasarkan pada platform Ethereum yang terbuka dan transparan, kepercayaan dan kerjasama antara kami dan pemberi pinjaman kami telah diperkuat lebih jauh untuk mencapai konsep desain. Partai ini menguntungkan kedua belah pihak.
DAGT adalah sistem kredit aset digital terdesentralisasi yang memberikan landasan bagi kepercayaan, cerdas, efisien, terbuka, transparan, mobile, dan pemilik aset digital penuh. daerah.

Peserta Proyek
Pengguna (sisi C)

Pengguna DAGT Pass Holder yang menggunakan aset digital mereka sendiri untuk memulai aplikasi kualifikasi kredit
Pengguna optimis tentang masa depan aset digital dan ingin menahan mereka untuk waktu yang lama, tetapi memiliki persyaratan likuiditas dalam jangka pendek hingga menengah
Yayasan DAGT

The DAGT Foundation (nirlaba), bertanggung jawab untuk pengembangan, operasi dan promosi proyek DAGT
Berdasarkan teknologi blockchain, untuk menyediakan pengguna dengan kredit dengan pinjaman aset digital dan layanan kredit
Lembaga Pinjaman (B)

Organisasi yang mematuhi hukum nasional yang relevan dan memiliki kualifikasi pinjaman, seperti bank, perusahaan pinjaman online, perusahaan pinjaman kecil, dll.
Sistem DAGT akan berinteraksi dengan lembaga pemberi pinjaman pihak ketiga.

Bagi hasil

Dalam proses operasi, lisensi DAGT dari platform pengembalian didistribusikan kepada pengguna yang telah mengunduh aplikasi seluler DAGT dan menggunakan fungsi transaksi dompet.

Tim yang kuat

Tim operasi teknis, pasar dan internasional yang kuat, dengan lebih dari satu tahun pengalaman dalam teknologi blockchain, lembaga keuangan dan operasi masyarakat dan kinerja yang sangat baik

Pendaratan cepat

Kemajuan pengembangan proyek telah mencapai 50%, dan telah mencapai niat kerjasama dengan sejumlah lembaga pemberi pinjaman.
Model Operasi DAGT

DAGT menyediakan blockchain dan layanan keuangan untuk tiga kategori orang: (1) investor digital C-side; (2) Pemegang token DAGT; (3) Lembaga pemberi pinjaman keuangan yang sesuai dengan B-side.
Proses yang harus dilakukan oleh investor aset digital C-side pada platform DAGT untuk mendapatkan likuiditas dari aset digital mereka:

Perkenalan produk

LANGKAH 1. Aplikasi Kredit
Daftarkan akun anggota dan terapkan aplikasi kredit

LANGKAH 2. Masukkan informasi kredit
Pengguna kredit memasukkan informasi kredit

LANGKAH 3. Kunci kontrak pintar
Lanjutkan janji aset digital ke kerangka kerja kontrak cerdas

LANGKAH 4. Berikan Surat untuk Membuat Masalah Pinjaman


Arsitektur teknologi DAGT
Mengapa memilih blockchain

Sebelum pengguna kredit, agen kredit dan pemberi pinjaman melakukan transaksi, sebuah
media yang tepat diperlukan. Dengan munculnya publik Ethereum blockchain dan subprotocolnya, sekarang ada opsi untuk menyediakan tiga pihak yang terdesentralisasi, dapat dipercaya, akses yang adil dan media kriptografi yang divalidasi.
Dengan munculnya Ethereum, dunia memiliki teknologi yang dibutuhkan untuk membangun sebuah
model yang lebih baik untuk internet, yang merupakan sistem interaktif yang benar-benar tidak dapat dipercaya berdasarkan protokol peer-to-peer. Blockchain publik bukan hanya platform
tetapi tulang punggung seluruh ekosistem. Itu akan terus menembus dan meluas ke semua jenis layanan keuangan, kehidupan sehari-hari orang, Internet
Hal-hal dan aplikasi yang terdesentralisasi.
Blockchain pada akhirnya akan menjadi fondasi dari ilmu sosial dan teknologi, maka ada kebutuhan untuk memaksimalkan ketersediaannya bagi pengguna non-teknis. Teknologi blockchain harus menjadi bagian dari aplikasi kehidupan sehari-hari seseorang di masa depan, sama seperti Internet.

Untuk info lebih detail: 

Situs web:

Author: yantiaryan
Eth saya: 0x2A50375573A1B9A65De13dC27c6A25FC778d5512

DEVELOPEO - Here is your problem solving

DEVELOPEO is the most needed token / platform in the world for developers, industry and investors. The platform aims to solve all the problems of the 4th industrial revolution, open source and commercial software development, and the problems that humanity is waiting for. "Our ultimate goal is to build the University of Develepeo.

Team Vision

Since the fourth industrial revolution has already come, according to the platform team's vision, a person has many needs. They divide the world into two parts: those who adapt to new technologies, and those who can not do it. Those who quickly adapt will always be ahead. In the future, with the results of the revolution, the needs of people with an expanded outlook in the field of software and new technologies will increase. All people will have to adapt to new technologies, who will not do this simply "stay out of the bag," losing their jobs and losing contact with the developed social stratum. But as we all understand, every person will not be able to learn programming, since everyone has his own work, his own personal lives and personal problems.


Although the technology industry has been booming over the past decade, the development of open source software must cope with two fundamental problems in order to match the growth rate. First of all, the development of high-quality and secure software is quite expensive. But, often open source software is distributed free of charge. Therefore, the development of an open source program should be financed by investors or the code must be written by an engineer who will work on this code in his spare time. But no matter how noble it may be, talented engineers in many cases will not work without remuneration.

The second fundamental issue is directly related to the lack of funding and the result of which is access to talent. But with this situation on the market, and how technology develops, the demand for software developers exceeds the offer. In the future, the growth rate of demand for developers will only increase. In order for the rate of growth to match the tempo of the proposal, it is necessary to prepare professionally today for the development of new software engineers.


Developeo is a launcher and platform that aims to revolutionize the open source ecosystem through the introduction of a token-based remuneration system. Depending on the amount and quality of the code contributed by the engineer, Developeo will reward depositors for tokens that can be instantly converted into a currency on any crypto exchange. Before you reward developers with tokens, the code will be checked by community project managers. The platform will be built on the blockbuster Efirium, which will eliminate fraud and create openness and transparency in the system. Awards will be distributed in DEVX platform tokens. In the community of open source software developers, more than a dozen million engineers are involved. Project team Developeo believes that they should not work for free. The Developeo team invites them to join the platform to get a reward in exchange for their contribution to any open source project. Thanks to the Github API, you can fully control their contribution. The awards are distributed at the end of each month by a "decentralized voting system.

How it works?

The Developeo platform allows the open source community to easily register using the Github account. A decentralized platform will be defined by both software developers and project managers who will monitor software development and exert a stronger influence on the quality assessment of the perfect code.

Income model

The platform will offer online certification programs for developers. Although the mission of Developeo is to preserve and promote the development of open source software, the platform hopes that talented engineers will be able to obtain the certificates required for some high-tech jobs. As certification for these technologies will be "mandatory". Combined with world class education and world-famous faculties, as well as modern learning platforms; Developeo will become a highly reliable organization, where certification will become as valuable as getting an education from the top 100 higher education institutions in the world. Among the best educational institutions in the world, the goal of development is laid. Integrity and brand value as a certified development specialist will make graduates more valuable and increase the chances of planting their dreams.


480.000.000 TOKENS DEVX
untuk Presale, Penjualan Pribadi, PREICO, ICO

120.000.000 TOKENS DEVX:
  • 20,8% untuk Pendiri & Tim
  • 50% untuk Reward Pool
  • 16,6% untuk Bounty
  • 13,6% untuk Treasury



For more info please visit the link below:

Author: yantiaryan
My eth: 0x2A50375573A1B9A65De13dC27c6A25FC778d5512

VIVALID - a blockchain-based technology service designed to serve as a channel between individuals seeking information about potential value

What is ViValid?

ViValid is a service that can help you assess the worth of your valuables in a fully objective and professional way. The treasures you have found, the valuables you collect, and even the things hiding in your garage and basement, such as limited-edition sneakers, can make you a sound profit if properly evaluated. Normally, you would have to either do extensive research - which won't guarantee you reliable results - or turn to a random pawn shop owner, who obviously has an interest in offering a lower price than you deserve. ViValid removes such obstacles. Our system is community driven and therefore stripped of potential ulterior motives. You only need to take pictures of your valuables and send them to ViValid for a preliminary assessment and validation of their potential value. Your query requires only one small fee. You will receive competent and objective opinions from several experts and collectors for a fraction of the usual cost of such services. Evaluators will be randomly but intelligently selected from members of the ViValid community to provide you with a truly independent assessment of your collectibles. In addition, our – “Proof of Validation Protocol” will ensure that the evaluation you receive is reliable.

Additionally, ViValid opens an opportunity to create the first decentralized, immutable, and, therefore, trustworthy, community-driven ledger of collectibles that contains the history of their value and ownership changes.

We also offer you the unique opportunity to earn money while doing something you love by becoming one of our validators. If you are a passionate collector who knows a thing or two about your field of interest, we want to hear from you. You can start as a first-tier validator, and progress through five tiers, with each subsequent tier more exclusive than the previous. If you are correct in assessing the worth of presented valuables over time, you will be promoted to the second and third tiers. The first three levels are community driven and anonymous whereas the fourth and fifth tiers are exclusive and only for proven experts. The higher you are on the ladder, the more you can earn and the less you will have to work.

ViValid is a highly advanced service built on blockchain technology, where all transactions are performed in ViV tokens. This eliminates the costs of exchange rate differences, expensive banking services, and the need for transfers between countries. As soon as you register, you are provided with a crypto wallet that stores ViV tokens. Your tokens will allow you to maintain the price of the service at a constant and unchanging level despite the variability of token pricing. We do not require that you have any prior knowledge of how the market of cryptocurrencies works. ViValid is an integrated micro-exchange that automatically removes all the inconveniences of dealing with crypto. If you want to have an object evaluated, simply – use either PayPal or your credit card, and we'll do the rest. You no longer have to search through guides, look for Internet auctions, or visit experts. ViValid is a completely transparent service with traceable contracts that can be reviewed at any time.

has been designed to serve two primary purposes.

Firstly, it provides means to distribute validation and valuation jobs within the decentralized blockchain-based network and ensures token flow between users of the system.

Secondly, the intrinsic algorithm governs neutrality and accuracy of validators' responses, paving the fundament of trust on which any system of similar kind must be built upon. Combination of statistical data and incentivizing model of different tiers of validation lies in the heart of the system. On one side, the system automatically analyses the expert's valuations looking for discrepancies, and on the other, it rewards validators with the highest success rates by providing the chance to upgrade an account to the higher tier.

Also, if you are very good at antiques, then you can become appraisers yourself. Thanks to the rank system, you will earn levels by means of a competent assessment of the value of things and accordingly, the higher your level, the more you are trusted and accordingly the greater your fee. To confirm and verify the correctness of the assessment, it will use a protocol such as POV. Thanks to it will be checked, and the correctness of the evaluation is confirmed, and a reward for your work done will also be accrued.

Now, I would like to talk about the ICO of this platform.
Pre-sales will take place from May 14, 2018 to June 11, 2018.
The token will be called: ViV.
The price for this token is: 1 ETH = 2 520 ViV.
There will also be a bonus program.
The main stage of sales will be announced later, but it is known that the price for the main stage will be: 1 ETH = 1,800 tokens ViV.

At the main stage there is also a bonus program:
1 week - 15%,
2 week - 10%,
3 week - 5%.

Total number of tokens: 200 000 000 tokens ViV.
The minimum sales target is 20,000,000 ViV tokens.
Maximum sales target: 140,000,000 ViV tokens.

I would like to sum up. The project will be very popular and will occupy the top of this niche. In truth, the project is probably the only one. And it will definitely create a huge competition to the analogs, if any. Also, thanks to this project, professional collectors and appraisers will have the opportunity to earn extra money, by assessing the users' things.

For more information please visit the link below:

Author: yantiaryan
My eth: 0x2A50375573A1B9A65De13dC27c6A25FC778d5512

Xmoneta fiat and cryptocurrency with the opportunity to exchange and transfer in the application

Our goal is to shape the future of the messaging industry 
and bring dreams into reality.

Universal application, featuring messaging, social network and banking technologies. This all-in-one app allows its user to do multiple things: talk with friends, buy goods in the e-shops, listen music, read books, book different services and so on. What is more important, you can use this application as the wallet to hold your money. It is available both for fiat and cryptocurrency with the opportunity to exchange and transfer within the application.
Unlike other similar projects (like CoinSpark, for example), our target audience is much wider than experienced users, who already know about cryptocurrency. Our goal is to involve everyone into Ethereum world, whether companies, experienced cryptoanarchist or just casual smartphone users – everyone is welcome! Our application is supposed to be easy, user-friendly all-in-one crypto-messenger for the general public.

The mission of Xmoneta

In the plans for the future, there is creating completely decentralized autonomous ecosystem, that unites all the participant of financial market. We see the future, where people can consume, create and regulate distributed services and products in one decentralized Messenger Bank, where all the processes are based on smart-contracts.

Xmoneta Messenger

Tired from the old-fashioned trends, promoted by banks and global corporations, we decided to choose another path. Path of the Future, free of the mass surveillance, control over your thoughts, finances, and life.Our goal is to create a user-friendly, comfortable and secure platform for communication, trading, advertising, and buying.The new application will be based on Blockchain technology and will give users opportunity to chat, send messages, make the orders, buy goods, trade with people and hold money. Everything within only one app. That’s how Xmoneta was born.

Explore the secure browsing

You won’t need to worry about your privacy. Xmoneta features the system, which makes all messages encrypted and unavailable for the third parties. The same comes to transactions of funds. We provide the opportunity for safe and secure commerce. Both individuals and businesses have the opportunity to join the Xmoneta financial processes, sell and buy cryptocurrencies, manage your money and feel safe.

Xmoneta Wallet

Our goal is to manage all the possible tokens within one wallet, without installing different apps for each digital currency. You can hold both digital and traditional money in Xmoneta wallet. All the new Blockchain tokens are automatically detected by the wallet and immediately integrated in it. You can create deposits on the blockchain, transfer cryptocurrencies and money to each other on the VISA/MasterCard and/or the crypto-wallets.

Decentralized market

Xmoneta marketplace is the most comfortable way for user to purchase products and pay for them. It also a great place for trading, selling goods and promote your services. All the e-shop goods are categorized and can be rated by users, which makes our market maximum clear, honest and open. Thanks to the all-in-one system, the customer can use Xmoneta wallet to pay for products. Xmoneta shop is an absolutely autonomous market, which does not need any external sources for existence.

Xmoneta Monetization

Commission from interbank transfers, • Commission from Transfers of cryptocurrency inside the e-Chat wallet, FREE transfers to XMN, • Commissions for transfers of international and national payment systems (Visa, MasterCard, China UnionPay, American Express, etc.), • Commission from donations, used by our bloggers and other creative personalities, • Cash backs from purchases made on our marketplace, circulation of cryptocurrency within the messenger, • Cash back from offline and online stores for each purchase using the application, • Commission from paid chats and adwertisment.

Universal application

Our goal is creating the universal application that gives its users opportunity to do multiple things together with communication. With Xmoneta it is possible to talk with friends, buy different stuff in the e-shops, listen music, read books, order food, taxi and so on. What is more important, you can use your messenger as the wallet for multiple types of currency. We see the future, where people can consume, create and regulate distributed services and products in one decentralized Messenger Bank, where all the processes are based on smart-contracts.

Xmoneta Bank

Every Xmoneta user can use his or her bank accounts (IBAN, debit cards etc.), exchange currencies and pay with them. Our bank supports traditional fiat currencies together with crypto ones like Bitcoin, DASH, NEM, ERC20 and so on. Besides payments and transfers, Xmoneta Bank offers to the partners multiple investment services. If you need funds for different corporative projects, we will be glad to help you! Xmoneta Bank uses all the modern banking and Internet-of-things technologies. We strictly follow all the security standards. Due to Blockchain technologies, we can be sure that all your data is reliably protected.


Token Sale

ICO A round:

Bonus: 30%
Extra Bonus: 50%Invest more than 1 ETH in one transaction
Start date: 13th of March 2018 (12:00 PM London Time, GMT-0)
End date: 5th of April 2018 (12:00 PM London Time, GMT-0)

ICO B round:
Bonus: 20%
Extra Bonus: 40%Invest more than 1 ETH in one transaction
Start date: 5th of April 2018 (12:00 PM London Time, GMT-0)
End date: 30th of April 2018 (12:00 PM London Time, GMT-0)

ICO C round:
Bonus: 10%
Extra Bonus: 30%Invest more than 1 ETH in one transaction
Start date: 30th of April 2018 (12:00 PM London Time, GMT-0)
End date: 31th of May 2018 (12:00 PM London Time, GMT-0)

For more information, visit the link below:

Author: yantiaryan
eth: 0x2A50375573A1B9A65De13dC27c6A25FC778d5512

SIGLO - a dedicated, decentralized Blockchain-based financial and digital inclusion platform

What brings up the idea of ​​this great Siglo platform concept is the result of the historic high cost of PCs and limited access to a steady network of electricity and also most of the developing world too late to embrace PCs. With this great new concept, users can access the internet with their Smartphones, not personal computers. Mobile phone use for web access is widespread every day. According to current records, many people still use ready-made connections. Siglo provides a remote answer for prepaid connections to clients in developing the business sector by removing barriers that prevent them from taking part in the digital economy, such as high cost levels.

What is Siglo?

Siglo is a decentralized Blockchain-based financial and digital inclusion platform that allows users to get airtime toptime when they travel, at home, anytime or anywhere in the world. Siglo is the future of mobile transactions and connectivity in high-growth markets, where increased access to networks is paid for by brand sponsors. Siglo is a catalyst for digital and financial inclusion, giving users the ability to connect more than ever before.

The platform works by encouraging computerized merging and budgeting in emerging markets by allowing mobile application clients who use their properties to increase value and trade so as to expand cellular access and to various products and companies. Clients collect these incentives by sharing their considerations and, when they choose, select information or ideas and then trade them for mobile connectivity in the form of top-time air with mobile administrators.

Advantages of Siglo

The platform offers an easy-to-customize answer brand to interact with clients in some of the fastest growing markets in the plan. The major transactional pieces of the platform benefit from unchanged and auditable footage in Ethereal Blockchain, including brand exchange, client exchange and client-to-client exchange. By tokenizing access to the mobile top up. The Siglo Network provides unauthenticated clients to improve access to the network through the establishment of a decentralized cellular network. The first Siglo app is, which has been installed by 1.2 million users in Mexico and Colombia. provides brands with solutions to connect with new consumers, while helping people in this market gain access to the internet. In order to keep giving away free for free, Siglo and token conventions will be encouraged,

Token Sale and Siglo ICO

The Siglo Token is the first token that allows service providers to reward consumers directly through cellular connectivity in exchange for services. Siglo Token, Ethereal based. This is an ERC-20 compatible token. Value token units can be exchanged between Siglo Apps and in the Siglo ecosystem. Siglo, a Gibraltar organization, will offer and oversee the token and its work to move forward and grow the platform. The significance of Siglo Token is that it will be redeemable with toptime airtime coins (, on the current market) that can be used to purchase goods accessible through the application, tokens traded by the brand for consideration and Engagement through the current app. At the point when clients are exchanging with their points (ie Pigs.

Any user information on this Siglo platform will be stored in Blockchain through a Smart contract, allowing users to establish a unique identity, specifying personal information for online transactions including knowing your customer base (KYC) and anti money laundering information. Token may be trademarked under the Smart contract to be established between each brand and where fiat or Siglo is exchanged for coins and issued to users as they interact and share with the mark. Look forward to when the initial platform coin offer will start.

For more information:

My eth: 0x2A50375573A1B9A65De13dC27c6A25FC778d5512

Minggu, 06 Mei 2018

Open Collectors Network

What is Open Collectors Network?
Open Collectors Network is the first decentralized platform for a one-of-a-kind tokens, where anyone can create their own, create, customize, interact with and trade their own tokens, on the open market, based on existing standard specifications.

What Platforms or Platforms?
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This is the first platform to create and trade non-photographed tokens.

The best way to explain it is to set an example. Imagine you print 1000 flyers and distribute them on the road. You do not care about which flyer you handle from the pile, because everything is identical: same size, same content, same purpose. This collection of leaflets is very valuable and equal to the current crypto currency: if you send someone 1 ET, it does not matter "ETH" of your wallet is that.

But let's consider now, another collection: paintings by famous artists. Already, we can tell the difference: even if everything is painting, if you want to buy it, you will not pick at random. You prefer others, some are more expensive and so on. They are not fungible, because they are all one-of-a-kind and that is "it".

This is a special type of token that became our platform, and we're very confident that using the case for it is endless. For example, see the Use case section.

Use Cases for Open Collectors Network
Why would someone create a digital asset that can not be favorited? What are the advantages of a digital currency that can not be shifted?

"The possibility of using cases for unique tokens," explains the official Open Collectors Network website, "is almost endless."

Some identified use cases include:

Social Platforms: Individuals or groups can associate unique things that are of value to them for personal use - like CryptoKitties, for example.

Business Sector: Any freelancer or business can easily associate their personalized products, such as cars, articles, or handmade items.

Auction House:

Game Platforms: Certain game types - such as Magic The Gathering - or in-game items - such as AWP Dragon Lore leather at Counterstrike - can be held in the ledger to increase accountability and transparency for owners. It can also be used to attach virtual currency values ​​- such as the value of in-game currency - to a particular item.

Virtual Object Objects for Creators: The ability to purchase digital assets in order to use them in games or in game development is possible using the ERC721 standard. This means the market offers tools for game developers to sell their creations. Game developers can also use these creations for further game development.

Discounts: Companies can customize their products and offer exclusive discounts. Someone might buy a tokenized discount code, for example, then use that code to access Apple product discounts.

Media and Digital Rights: Open Collector Networks can be used for DRM, creating unique digital assets that transfer digital media and ownership rights. This can be used to represent images, pictures, music, books, or anything else. Authors, artists, and musicians can sell their digital assets to anyone who wants to buy them.

User Identity: Open Collectors Network aims to partner with KYC solutions to provide superior user identity verification. A user can verify identity via platform, then have a unique blockchain-based token created for their profile.

Blockchain Collection: Open Collectors Network will provide open source libraries with collections that store objects in public ledgers. Some possible uses for this library include as arrays, lists, dictionaries, or hashmaps, or as open source libraries for special collections like C ++ Boost or .Net C5.

How Open Collector Network Works?
The Open Collectors Network allows one to create individual and unique tokens.

Tokens created on the Open Collectors Network platform will use the ERC721 standard. Users will create tokens using a seamless UI or standard REST / Json API for more advanced / enterprise / enterprise scenarios.

Users can define interaction rules between tokens and other similar tokens, which allow customizable conditions or even like games for your token. We've seen other companies - like Harbor - attaching verification requirements to their tokens, for example, which means users must be listed on a blockchain-based whitelist before the transaction can be authorized.

Overall, Open Collectors Network is a platform that allows users to create their own unique token. The platform also allows users to buy, sell, and exchange unique tokens. Open Collectors Network already supports unique unfavorable token projects like CryptoKitties, CryptoPunks, and Decentraland.

As described by the official website, Open Collectors Network "will host the first exchange where you can create & exchange unknown (unique) estimates.

All operations on the Open Collectors Network platform are performed using ECTO tokens. This is the platform's original token. The Open Collectors Network requires its own token to avoid overuse and spamming of the Ethereum network.

Having ECTO in your wallet also offers several benefits, including discounts on all Open Collectors Network operations, the voting rights to the platform features that must be implemented next, and views based on your platform activity and the number of ECTO you hold.

Who's Behind the Open Collector Network?
Open Collectors Network was created by co-founders Dan Andrei Singeorzan (Developer) and Ion Cosmin Grigore (Developer).
Singeorzan is a Romanian-based Bucharest programmer and developer who previously worked for BitDefender, Stefanini and Ivanti, while Grigore is based in Bucharest, Romania and previously worked as a software developer at RES Software, Fullscreen Digital and Libra Internet Bank.

Anyone can create individual & unique tokens, based on existing ERC721 standards, using a seamless user interface or our standard REST / Json API, for more advanced or corporate scenarios.

The rules of interaction between tokens and other similar tokens can be defined. This allows customized conditions, even like games for your token.

Among the existing tokens that respect the interface and can be traded on our platform are Decentraland, CryptoKitties and CryptoPunks. We hope to be made more in the future by 3rd parties and we support token trading on our platform.

We bridge the gap between blockchain and day-to-day technology: the platform provides an intuitive interface to define unique token details and rules and has automated algorithms to prevent duplicates. You do not need to know programming to create your own token for something you like or need.

As the value of popular tokens increases over time, they can be traded on the open & decentralized market in various forms: fixed prices, multiple types of auctions and exchanges with other tokens.

This platform provides trade features such as finding tokens, contacting token owners (limits will apply), top tokens, tokens, history, orders and more.

The main benefit of using a ledger for this purpose is increased trust when purchasing such goods, because the owner is kept in the ledger, so the proof of authenticity is the token itself.

Our platform will host the first exchange where you can create and exchange unknown (unique) estimates.

Open Collector Network ECTO Token Sale
ECTO Tokens will be distributed through the Open Collagen sale token. Private sales are in progress throughout February and March 2018, with general sales scheduled for end March 2018 (visit for the latest dates and information).
During the sale of tokens, ECTO will be sold at a base price of 1 ECTO = 0.000166 ETH, or 1 ETH = 6,000 ECTO.
Of the total token inventory, 65% is allocated for token sales, 10% for advisors, 10% for founders, 13% for companies, and 2% for prizes. There is a total supply of 150 million tokens.

Open ECTO Network Collector Conclusion
Open Collectors Network is the world's first cryptocurrency exchange specializing in unique, one-of-a-kind tokens, including non-fungible digital assets such as CryptoKitties and similar projects. There are a number of unlimited uses for unique tokens, including everything from real estate deals to fine art collections.
Our platform will host the first exchange where you can create and exchange unknown (unique) estimates.

Allocation of Token

Budget allocation

eth: 0x2A50375573A1B9A65De13dC27c6A25FC778d5512

Jumat, 04 Mei 2018


Hada DBank este prima bancă digitală care leagă sectorul bancar islamic cu tehnologia BlockChain, pentru a face banca etică un ecosistem și o responsabilitate. În prezent, suferim de hărțuirea băncilor și instituțiilor noastre financiare împotriva clienților noștri. Există jucători care câștigă bani din subțire cu datorii și dobânzi. Acesta este motivul pentru care economia globală sa prăbușit din când în când, pentru că a apărut încă din secolul I. Lipsa responsabilității pe care banca a fost acuzată este destul de îndrăzneață. De aceea am ales să devenim o parte a înființării băncii, băncii interesate și prezentă personal în actuala revoluție financiară.

Îngrijire și personal: afectează valoarea, dimensiunea și serviciile noastre, tranzacțiile, interacțiunile și conduce afacerea noastră. Aceste cuvinte vă vor ghida intern în organizația noastră și în exterior cu clienții și comunitatea noastră. Vrem să fim o bancă care chiar îți pasă de îmbunătățirea vieții oamenilor și nu de beneficiile sale. Privatizarea va fi, de asemenea, un centru major al serviciilor noastre. Clienții diferiți au nevoi diferite și necesită o atenție și un serviciu diferit. Clienții pot ajusta HADA pentru DBA deoarece cred că toată lumea poate purta aceleași pantaloni.
Vrem să fim o organizație "echitabilă" în industria financiară. Criza financiară din 2007-2008 servește ca o reamintire serioasă a faptului că unii jucători nu au răspunsul care poate schimba o întreagă industrie, cauzând milioane de oameni să experimenteze ruina financiară. Islamic banking, deoarece conceptul de transparență, profit și pierdere, reduce manipularea pe piață și distruge alte domino.

Echipa Huda va dezvolta DBNK, un canal digital complet de blocuri bancare, care va face viața mai ușoară pentru toată lumea, indiferent de situația lor. Ei vor putea lucra la activități de 0% și ne vom bucura, de asemenea, de un serviciu de calitate. Suntem nu numai pentru a beneficia, ci pentru a face profiturile justificate, asigurând o experiență bancară mai bună.
Hada DBNK Digital Bank va deveni primul canal bloc din lume pentru a integra modulele bancare islamice cu o tehnologie BlackChan, pentru a face banca etică un ecosistem și responsabil. Din moment ce banca actuală a canalului digital și bloc, banca nou formată sa concentrat asupra serviciilor bancare tradiționale, am decis să câștigăm serviciile bancare islamice din cauza lipsei unor astfel de facilități. În anul 2016, sectorul bancar islamic este în jur de 1,5 trilioane de dolari în întreaga lume.

Băncile islamice sunt mai puțin riscante și mai flexibile decât omologii lor, deoarece nevoile lor de așteptări de capital și mobilitate Depozitele bancare În contrast cu bancile tradiționale, deponenții băncii islamice au dreptul să spună ce fac băncile cu banii lor. Ei au, de asemenea, o voce în care banii lor ar trebui investiți. Băncile islamice încearcă să evite interesul la toate nivelurile tranzacțiilor financiare și să încurajeze partajarea riscurilor între creditori și împrumutat.
Există două principii fundamentale în sectorul bancar islamic; una dintre acestea este categoria de profit și pierdere; Și două, mai important, restricționarea colectării și plății dobânzilor de către creditori și investitori. Interesul colectiv sau "Yusuri" nu este permis conform legii islamice. În cazul profiturilor, în cazul tuturor pierderilor, se va genera o pierdere financiară așa cum a fost deja convenită sub forma unei bănci bune și a clienților săi, este suportată de creditor. În plus, băncile islamice nu pot acorda împrumuturi fără bunurile și serviciile (adică activele materiale, inclusiv mașinile, echipamentele și inventarul) pentru ao susține. Prin urmare, vom susține proprietățile fizice precum metalele fundamentale și pietrele prețioase pentru depozite, economii și investiții de către Dabank.

Piață secundară

În afară de 7 miliarde de populații musulmane și alți arabi care preferă să se aboneze la serviciile bancare islamice, Hada DBAK se va concentra, de asemenea, pe 644,1 milioane de locuitori din Asia de Sud-Est (ASEAN).

Fapte despre ASEAN:

Populația estimată de aproximativ 438 milioane.
Mai mult de jumătate din populația ASEAN de 30 de ani
Există 854 milioane de smartphone-uri sau pătrunderea pe piață cu 133% în comparație cu populația, dar numai 53% din populația ASEAN este online, ceea ce lasă loc pentru o expansiune semnificativă a piețelor în viitorul Indoneziei.
Ca o bancă specială on-line, aceste fapte ne asigură să ne concentrăm pe ASEAN ca pe o piață secundară. Suntem hotărâți să oferim treptat servicii bancare islamice în Trimestrul II în 2018.
  • Caracteristici și avantaje unice
  • Contul criptat gratuit și portofelul electronic
  • Salvarea și returnarea
  • Transferați, expediați schimbul de date
  • Credite și investiții
  • Plăți în timp real
Punctul Bonus

Luați puncte din achiziție cu ajutorul unui e-portofel sau al unui card de debit și schimbați numerar sau criptocuritate / token pentru a cheltui mai mult. Utilizați-vă ca o reducere suplimentară pentru a vă plăti ceea ce doriți și pentru a economisi mai mult pe achizițiile dvs. De asemenea, puteți utiliza partenerii de e-mall sau punctele colectate în schimbul valutar, indiferent de ce doriți în puncte de vânzare fizice din întreaga lume.
Bonusul de recomandare sau Bounty Când referințele dvs. se înregistrează cu noi prin intermediul codului dvs. de recomandare.

Tehnologia Hada DBank

Hada DBank, care utilizează lanțuri private de blocuri, care se depozitează în fiecare nod din rețea. În mod implicit, nodurile sunt controlate de Hada DBNK. Unele noduri salvează numai copia lui Blocken și nu au participat la procesul de Confirometria transcons (protocol consens). Acest nod poate acționa ca un nod de gateway sau server de rezervă. Un nod care acționează ca un validator poate fi găsit pe segmentul de rețea care este securizat de la bancă și pus la dispoziție prin nodul gateway-ului.
Principala structură principală a bazei de date a fost implementată în bloc, în care fiecare bloc este un grup de transcutton. Fiecare bloc nou definește starea blocului anterior, noul nucleu. Integritatea principală a bazei de date este furnizată de bloc și există un consens în legătură cu aceasta. Fiecare bloc este deja conectat la un bloc criptografic. Această caracteristică asigură capacitatea de a valida istoricul bazei de date și Transcutan pe orice TME în viitor. Baza de date principală stochează toate datele care trec prin punct.


Intenționăm să strângem capital pentru dezvoltarea Hada DBAK prin intermediul HADACoin. Cumpărătorii vor putea utiliza HADACoin pentru a efectua o tranzacție bancară sau o activitate zilnică. Clienții noștri vor fi eliberați cu un card de debit, care le permite să efectueze tranzacții cu HADASEON în platoul bancar sau al altor comercianți din întreaga lume.

Preț HADACoins pentru pre-ICO

HADACoins vor fi emise ca 500 de milioane. 295 milioane de monede vor fi oferite spre vânzare. Cu 295 de monede lakh, 20 de milioane de investitori privați și cumpărători vor fi alocați pentru insttutonal, vor fi emise 50 de milioane de monede, atunci când fostul antrenament ICO și restul de 225 de milioane de monede vor fi emise în viitorul apropiat în ICOS. 10 milioane de monede vor fi alocate în darul de campanie


capacul soft înainte de finanțarea țintă = 5.000 ETH
Hard Cap = 20.000 E.H.

Structura Distribuției Tokenului HadaCoin

35% din capitalul acumulat prin intermediul exercițiului nostru PRE-ICO vor fi alocate pentru cercetare și dezvoltare (cercetare și dezvoltare). 7 laboratoare vor fi înființate în 5 ani în care laboratoarele 1 și 2 vor avea sediul în Elveția și, respectiv, Estonia.

OPEX (Cheltuielile de operare) va alcătui 30% din buget. Angajarea directorilor de conducere va fi activitatea noastră principală în acest sector, pentru a ne asigura că cei mai buni parteneri și talente din industriile conexe se alătură managementului și operațiunilor HADA DBANK

OPEX (Cheltuielile de operare) va alcătui 30% din buget. Angajarea directorilor de conducere va fi activitatea noastră principală în cadrul acestui sector, pentru a ne asigura că cei mai buni parteneri și talente din industriile conexe se alătură managementului și operațiunilor HADA DBANK.

CAPEX (Cheltuieli de capital) va primi 20% din capitalul investit. Printre activități se numără achiziționarea de bunuri de afaceri necesare, metale prețioase și pietre prețioase (aur, argint și diamante), care vor fi utilizate ca garanții pentru economiile, investițiile și valoarea HADACoin.

Ultimile 15% vor fi păstrate ca REZERVĂ. Această rezervă nu va fi utilizată decât dacă va fi stabilită o normă strictă și vor fi stabilite reguli stricte. Decizia de a utiliza această rezervă va fi determinată de conducerea de nivel colectiv și unanim, pentru a se asigura că nu există o gestionare defectuoasă și utilizarea excesivă a rezervei. Vom crește rezervele HADA DBANK la 30% din capitalul total, în viitorul apropiat, în conformitate cu legile financiare islamice.

Pentru informații detaliate, puteți vizita site-ul oficial aici:

scriitor: yantiaryan
eth: 0x2A50375573A1B9A65De13dC27c6A25FC778d5512

Kamis, 03 Mei 2018


It's no secret that blocking technology can be used not only for crypto-currencies, but also for almost every sphere of life. An exception did not become such a trend as logistics. And right now there is a new ICO project QUASA (, which allows to improve the whole cargo transportation market.

It would seem that humanity has made great progress, having gone far ahead beyond the invention of the wheel. But unfortunately there are a lot of problems with delivery of cargo even in our high-tech time.

Have you ever tried to send some kind of big cargo from one point to another?

Let's say you need to transport a sofa, for example, which is already ready for dispatch, from the city of Kursk to Moscow. Now you need to find a carrier. Let's take a closer look at this process:

  1. You take a computer and go online.
  2. There you have been looking for about an hour for companies and private traders who provide cargo transportation services.
  3. Then take the phone and start calling the list of selected companies. And spend a lot of time on this.
  4. You are determined by the services of what transport company you will use.
  5. Now we have to spend a lot of time to agree on all the details and pay.
Thus, you find the carrier, having spent a huge amount of time and possibly choosing not the best quality and profitable option.

But now thanks to the free application QUASA there is an opportunity very quickly - just a couple of clicks to find the most favorable conditions for the carriage of your cargo.

QUASA is the first block-based platform providing, which unites customers and companies providing freight services all over the world. And there is an opportunity to use different types of transport:

  • Ground cargo transport.
  • Rail transportation.
  • Trucking.
  • Sea transport.


At the moment the sphere of cargo transportation is rather chaotic and very not transparent with a terrible service. This market can be compared with taxi transport, before the various Internet services came. There is a huge number of intermediaries, with various shadow schemes.

During the transportation of cargo, a huge part of the information about all the participants in the process, the cargo, what and how the services turn out and so on, moves. These all operations are accompanied by a bunch of documents that complicate the whole process. And the client is in ignorance exactly how to handle his cargo, where he is at the moment.

The QUASA project allows you to cope with:

  1. Bureaucracy during the clearance of cargo.
  2. Enormous commissions of intermediaries, which range from 10% to 25%. At what the client can not control the process of drafting commissions in any way.
  3. Various information barriers.
  4. Court costs.

Also do not forget that thanks to the technology of blocking using smart contracts, it will be possible to ensure greater security of the entire system and transparency of logistics. This in turn will make it possible to reduce the amount of time and money spent by the client and the performer tenfold.

QUASA will allow the introduction of common standards in the freight market, which will make it the industry leader, to which everyone will be equal.

This large part of the freight industry has problems that require additional intermediaries, which clearly increase the cost of the entire delivery process. The reasons for such problems are the following:

  1. Trust in the carrier. Clients have to enter into additional contracts with intermediaries, so as not to suffer financial losses.
  2. Insolvency of the client. Usually the last transfer of funds the client makes after the delivery of the goods. But for various reasons, customers can not always make this payment.
  3. Cargo damage. Sometimes the product may be damaged, and it can not always be determined immediately.
  4. Risk of levying taxes. If one of the participants departs from taxes, then all sides of cooperation can be involved, and the cargo will be frozen.
  5. Currency risk. Due to the change in the exchange rate during the process of cooperation, the contractor may suffer, therefore there are additional fees for this case.
  6. Weak insurance. Often transport losses are insured, not cargo, or payment for damage and damage.
  7. Empty trips. In one direction is traveling with cargo transport, and back without cargo since there are no orders.
The platform has a main page where the user enters their data (login and password). There is a menu where there are orders, requests and reports.

In the future, there will be a breakdown of users into customers and executors (partners). Also, the menu structure will also change as the new functionality is implemented.

The user will be able to create queries, while choosing the type of cargo, the point of delivery and delivery, and add additional services (for example insurance). After the order, the platform automatically issues a list of offers from which you can choose the most optimal solution for each of the situations. A system of filters and data analytics will be available.

The user can still place his orders on the exchange and receive a message from the service to his email.

Here's how the interface for the client looks:

Here's how the interface for the partner (artist) will look visually:

Inside the QUASA platform will use its own crypto currency - QUA tokens.

The QUA token is created on the basis of the ERC-20 standard and therefore it can be safely stored both on the platform itself and in your wallet with your own Ephirium purse, for example, Ethereum wallet, Mist,

Holders of tokens will receive discounts of up to 10% on services within the platform, and you can also vote for a new functional and choose the direction of development. In addition, QUASA plans to buy back tokens, but at a price on the market.

The growth of tokens will occur both with the increase in users, so the connection of new services. Also, do not forget that tokens will be provided with real platform services.

A total of 62,445,870 tokens will be issued.

Tokens QUA can be purchased at the time of sale. Below are the stages of sales of tokens and price levels:

Currently, tokens can be purchased for the Ethiopian Crypto currency. Further it is planned to accept another crypto currency, as well as Fiat.

After the ICO, the tokens will be traded on the crypto-exchange exchanges. The preliminary release date for the tokens on the exchange is July 2018.

Virtually all the funds raised will be used to further develop the platform. Investments from the sale of tokens will be used for the following purposes:

  1. 65% creation of product and services platform, development. Provision of staff. Creation of infrastructure for the development of the logistics market 2.0.
  2. 17% expenses for ICO and pre-sale of tokens. Bonuses for IT developers and founders, legal support. Return of credits.
  3. 10% return of funds from early investors.
  4. 8% payment for company PR for ICO and pre-sale of tokens.

In addition to the cool idea, the project has another great advantage - it's his team. It consists of experienced professionals who have the necessary knowledge and skills to create the QUASA platform. More details can be found on the team on the official website


The QUASA platform in comparison with other ICO projects has a ready-made prototype, which is a huge plus. It should also be taken into account that the creation of this product will bring huge benefits to the society and will allow all participants of freight transportation to significantly reduce spending. As for the platform itself, the possibilities for monetization are simply huge, because (revenue from commissions of each service, advertising).

QUASA uses block technology that can bring the freight market to an entirely new level, ensuring transparency and security for all market participants.

Username : yantiaryan
My Eth: 0x2A50375573A1B9A65De13dC27c6A25FC778d5512